What do you care?

“I don’t care”. 

How often do you hear that phrase?

More importantly, how often do you say it and mean it?

Stop and think for a minute… how much DO you care? 

Do you care about life?
Do you care about religion?
Do you care about your job? 
Do you care about your family? 
Do you care about politics? 
Do you care about sports? 
Do you care about the weather? 
Do you care about a hobby? 
Do you care about progression? 
Do you care about understanding others? 
Do you care about others at all? 
Do you care about what those around you are trying to tell you? 
Do you care about what you’re going to do tonight? 
The rest of your life? 
Do you care about music? 
Do you care about the direction of your life? 
Do you care about your spiritual state? 
Do you care about eternity? 
Do you care about your appearance? 
Do you care about what others think of you? 
Do you care about what your spouse is going through? 
Do you care about helping, and making a difference? 
Do you care about how you feel when you look in the mirror? 
Do you care about what media you consume? 
Do you care about what food you consume? 
Do you care about a pet? 
Do you care about nature? 
Do you care about your education (regardless of age)?
Do you care about yourself?


Caring is one of the simplest, yet most magnificent of motivating powers.  Caring gives you energy, purpose, hope, enthusiasm, passion, commitment, perseverance.   None of those can exist without caring.  In fact, no positive, healthy, or forward-moving emotion can exist without first caring.

What’s more, those who care more, experience more.  More life, more joy, more hope, more love, more fullness.  As a people, I am convinced that we have got to care more.

So I ask you, what do you care about?  Try caring a little bit more, see what happens.


4 Responses

  1. I was just thinking… Every single day, litterally billions upon billions of dollars are spent by marketers, businesses, politicians, and others just trying to get people to care. Care motivation, I call it. Just getting people to care.

  2. I see what you are saying and it is true. somtimes we fail to give the importance to those things we care about, and simply say we don’t. when in reality we do.
    hahaha .. I began to repeat my-self didn’t I? o well i’m pretty sure you know what I mean -God Bless

  3. This is a great question. What do I care about? What do those we love care about? There are all kinds of directions we could go with this. I have a child with ADHD and is also dyslexic. She is 33 now and doing very well, but it was vital to find something she cared about enough to focus all that energy on. It’s important to find positive things and prioritize them so we stay balanced. The Gospel teaches us a lot about what is most important.

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